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For additional questions about ORSYC, message our office or call 503-230-0652.

In the NEWS!

What singers and parents are saying about ORS Youth Choir
“Each week, I look forward to going to the rehearsals. I feel like I have a place to be me. I have an important part to play in the making of a strong choir and it has helped me to build strong relationships with my peers… My favorite performance each year is at the Grotto. The acoustics in the church are amazing and, after we perform, we enjoy the beautiful Grotto lights.”
- Noam (Youth Choir singer)
“As a parent and a choral educator, I am grateful that my child has the opportunity to sing with ORS Youth Choir. Each performance in the past two years has highlighted the continuous and tremendous student growth, and also the ability of the organizers to hear feedback, make changes, be daring and charge forward. I loved watching my child perform with the Oregon Repertory Singers, the middle school choir, the treble choir, the high school SATB choir, and 5th graders all in one concert. I cannot express how valuable it is for students of all ages to have the well-rounded foundational experience that simply shines at ORS Youth Choir.
“I also appreciate how much effort has gone into building community between the students and families of all ages this year. The staff offered parent nights and other opportunities this year for the families of the singers to get to know each other, too. Everyone is invited to become a part of the ORS Youth Choir crew.”
- Kay (Parent & Choral Educator)
“To me, singing has always been more than just a means of entertainment: it acts as a constant source of great joy and a creative outlet in which to inspire others… The only regret I have is that I didn’t start sooner.”
- Nathaniel (Youth Choir singer)
“We're very happy to participate in the Youth Choir, and our daughter really seems to be blossoming as she works with her instructors and the other students. She loves to sing, but she has been extremely shy to showcase her voice in front of others, to the point where she has repeatedly requested last-minute cancellation of participation in talent showcases at school functions. The Youth Choir has given her a chance to share her talents alongside peers, and she looked to be having an actively great time at both the first Glory of Christmas concert and at the Grotto performance. ORS Youth Choir is providing her with a safe haven for creating, collaborating, and sharing, and I am extremely grateful for the dedication of all parties at ORS in helping her develop a strong sense of self as a performer.”
- Tom (ORS Youth Choir parent)
“ORS Youth Choir has been a wonderful experience for our family. Thanks to all the hard-working staff and volunteers and the other parents who are so involved and make the choir a lovely thing to be part of.”
— Youth Choir Parent
“I’ve been in ORS for ten years, and joined because i wanted to learn how to sing. I continue to sing in the program because I love choir, and I adore the atmosphere here.”
– Youth Choir Singer
“The most important thing I learned during my time with ORSYC was how to have faith in my own abilities. ORSYC is a community of love and acceptance which encourages and fosters the inner confidence every young person needs to find growing up. While the choir helped develop my singing voice, the support system helped me develop the courage to let the world hear that voice. I've found that courage translates to all aspects of life. Believing in yourself can be a challenge, but my time in the nurturing environment of ORS Youth Choir taught me to always believe in myself.”
- Youth Choir Singer
“I attended Choir Fest NW with my school and I spun a wheel to win a free season of tuition. I didn’t know much about ORS Youth Choir at the time, but my school choir director has a student in the elementary choir and told me I would love it. I love to sing … so I decided to give it a try and I’m so glad I did. This is by far the best choir I have ever had the honor of participating in. It has been a blast, and I hope to be back for more next year!”
– Youth Choir Singer
“The emphasis on musicianship training and challenging but age-appropriate choral repertoire along with fostering friendship in a peer community that drew young singers from schools throughout Portland (and beyond!) made ORS choirs an important part of our daughter’s life. Because of the confidence and passion nurtured in ORS, she continued singing in a selective choral group in college and her first year of graduate school and had the opportunity to serve as her conductor’s teaching assistant. We are very grateful for the formative role that ORS played; it has been a lifetime gift.”
- Youth Choir Parent
“Oregon Repertory Singers gave me the opportunity to learn, grow, and be my best self as a musician and human. ORS is more than a choir to me, it is a community of people who come together for one simple, beautiful purpose: to make music. My time with ORS in rehearsals, at concerts, performing for local retirement communities, and going on tour to wonderful places has taught me not only to read and write music, but to have poise, patience, and compassion—lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I am so grateful for the invaluable education and the strong foundation ORS has given me for my future.”
- Youth Choir Singer
“My son does not have music at school. I am so pleased to have found a high-quality music class for him. He looks forward to it every week!”
— Youth Choir Parent