Support ORS!
By Mail
PO Box 820057
Portland, OR 97282
By Phone
M-F, 9-5
Thank you to those who have made an incredible commitment to advancing the special projects and the future of Oregon Repertory Singers! The campaign launched in 2023.
Join our treasured troupe of GEMS!
GEMS (Give Every Month Supporters) provide a reliable source of support and play a valuable role in the organization, allowing Oregon Repertory Singers to grow responsibly and achieve a new level of financial health.
The best money I donate each month!
💎 Tom Swafford, ORS Singer (Tenor)
Being a GEM has been the easiest and most rewarding way to support ORS. It's far and away the most flexible and consistent way to sustain this incredible, vital organization.
💎 Melissa Canaday, ORS Singer (Soprano)
Sarah & John Allan
Jeff Allen
Chris Bailey & Robert Lusk
Laurel Barnum
Anne Barragar
Suzanne Barthelmess & Rex Sustello
Paul Bascom & Kristin Haydon
Debbie & Thomas Benke
Richard Bills & Jerry Ota
Aliyih Bristol
Amy Brittan
David Bruhn
Lauren & Josh Bryan
Sarah Buckmaster & Greg U'Ren
Kris Calvert
Maurine and Paul Canarsky
Cheryl Canning
Jennifer Chisholm
Emily Cohen
Cynthia Crandall
Paula Creamer
John P Dabritz
Jeanine Dahl Fogel
Cliff Davidson & Andy Sfeir
Amy Eastman in Memory of David Richen
David & Joni Edison
Alison Ellsworth & Matthew Wood
Stuart Farmer
Lawson Fite
David Frackelton
Richard Frye & Julianne Bowman
Eugene & Martha Fuchs
Terri & Howard Fuhrman
Linda & Robert Galante
Richard Ganz
Joyce Gardner & Jim Steinberger
Roberta & Cary Gluesenkamp
Joel Godbey & Kelly Morrow
Katherine & John Goff
Harold Goldstein and Carol Streeter
Melissa & Michael Goodwin
Tiffany & Cole Haole-Valenzuela
Craig & Rusma Haskins
Jeri Haskins
Peter & Donna Haub
Paul & Susan Hermansen
Rachel Hermansen & Dennis Axmacher
Lorraine Herr
Fredericka & James Hoeveler
Bryan Huitt
Amer Isse
Darlyn Jablonski
Jeff Jaeger
Nansie Jubitz
Dale Justice
Carla Kelley & Andy Asher
Andrea Fuchs & Malcolm Kelly
Mark Koenigsberg
Tom LaBarge
Maureen & Peter Landon
Elise Schaff Laubach
Ester Lindbloom
Jean Masonek
Kirk Masterson & Meghan Moran
Celia McDougal & Joshua Kauffman
Marguerite McKean
Nora McLaughlin
Megan McNeal & Kayci Emry
Dylan Moe
Paul Hamlow & Chris Moore
John Morton & Naomi LaViolette
Dave Muller
Fred Neal & Mark Haack
Eva Patil & Matt Noble
Julie & David Peyton
David Peterson & Nik Murrow
JaneAnne Peterson & David Olsen
Barbara Rank
Doug Rank & Jen Gosnell
Ken Ray
Susan & Richard Ray
David Riffle
Terence Rokop
Richard Rose
Lydia Ross
Jan Schaeffer
Kristen Seitz
Lisa & Lee Sickler
Keith & Kristin Simovic
Ted Smart & Lee Anne Doolittle
Mark Solon & Don Tankersley
Genevieve Stevens-Johnson & Matt Johnson
Tom Swafford & Scott Sarver
Anne Toledo & Eric Biewener
Rich & April Vanderwal
Kysa Vassily
Roy Wilkinson
Elizabeth Willis
CP Wise
Carol Witherell
Kathryn Wolff and Tony Dal Molin

Leadership Circle
Duane & Barbara McDougall
Patricia J. Reser
Brigid Flanigan
Jeri Haskins
Bruce Gulliver & Deb Habel
Dean & Patricia Werth
Chris Bailey & Robert Lusk
Ed Reeves & Bill Fish
Margo Bachhuber
Lauren & Colin Storz
Darlyn Jablonski
Ted Smart & Lee Anne Doolittle
Melody & Tracy Boyce
Richard Louis Brown

Director’s Circle
Suzanne Barthelmess & Rex Sustello
Beth & Jerry Hulsman
Nora McLaughlin
Matthew & Alison Ellsworth
Jan Schaeffer & Tuck Wilson
Clifford Davidson & Andy Sfeir
David Frackelton
David Muller
Howard Werth & Marion Levitan
Carla Kelley & Andy Asher
Melissa & Matthew Canaday
Randy Schekman
Music Literature Supporters
Doug Rank & Jen Gosnell
Keith & Kristin Simovic
Emily Cohen
Megan McNeal & Kayci Emry
Craig & Rusma Haskins
Mark Solon & Don Tankersley
Susan Phillips & Dave Rumker
Pam & Paul Monheimer
Ben Hickman & Stacey Philipps
Tina Bull & Richard Poppino
Gary Ritter
Fredericka & Kim Hoeveler
Sally Kuhl & David Redmond
Taos Community Foundation
Sherril B Gelmon
2023–2024 Donor Recognition
GEMS (Give Every Month Supporters)
Name acknowledgment in all pre-concert presentations and printed concert programs
Invitations to special donor events
Music Literature Supporters ($2,500-$4,999 donors)
Invitation to Summer Celebration (August 2024) at the home of Ethan Sperry
Invitation to attend youth choir or adult choir rehearsal of choice
All GEM benefits
Director Circle Members ($5,000-$9,999)
Includes Donor Spotlight in concert of your choice in the 2022-2023 season
All benefits listed above
Leadership Circle ($10,000+)
Private Event with Artistic Director Ethan Sperry and Aubrey Patterson during the 2022-2023 Season.
All benefits listed above.
Donor recognition for the 2023–2024 season is based on contributions made between July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 (by household).
*Benefits listed above are subject to change.
Double Your Contribution… For FREE!
Our Season Partners
We are so grateful for our community that has funded, volunteered, celebrated, and advocated for Oregon Repertory Singers throughout the years. We find comfort and encouragement knowing that you care about our mission of enriching the community through choral music, just as much as we do.
Your tax-deductible contribution, no matter the size, helps sustain and preserve Oregon Repertory Singers’ 49-year legacy.
By Mail
PO Box 820057
Portland, OR 97282
By Phone
M-F, 9-5
Oregon Repertory Singers is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Tax ID 51-0185443.
We want you to know that no matter which way you give – as a GEM supporter, one-time gift, soirée contributions, special project donations, publicly held securities, etc. – it all works together to give you the deserved gratitude and acknowledgment that showcases your advocacy for Oregon Repertory Singers. There is no right or wrong way, or time of year, to contribute. Your giving matters.
Legacy Giving
There are many ways you can support ORS that provide tax benefits to the donor in addition to supporting choral arts in our community.
Corporate Support & Advertising
Other Ways to support ORS
The CARES Act & Charitable Giving
The new CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act was passed by Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020. It is designed to help you, businesses and non-profit organizations facing economic hardship during the coronavirus pandemic. The new charitable giving provisions included in the CARES Act may assist you with your philanthropic goals.
Workplace Giving & Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gifts are a great way to maximize personal contributions to Safe Harbor Center and increase the impact of your gift. By taking advantage of a company’s matching gift benefit, you may be able to double or even triple the amount of a contribution. Each company has its own guidelines for employees, spouses, retirees, and widows/widowers. Inquire with your human resources or community relations department, and ask for the proper form to request that your company match your gift.
Fred Meyer Rewards
Log-in to your Fred Meyer Rewards account and select Oregon Repertory Singers as your charity of choice. A percentage of your purchase will be donated to ORS.
Oregon Cultural Trust Tax Credit
Donors who contribute to Oregon cultural nonprofits, including ours, are eligible to make a matching donation to the Oregon Cultural Trust and receive a 100% tax credit for their Trust donation (up to $500 for an individual, $1,000 for a couple filing jointly and $2,500 for a Class-C Corporation).
Giving to culture is a win-win proposition. You double the impact of your gift for free, and culture thrives. Lucky Oregonians!
Whether you support ORS directly, by volunteering, or through one of these organizations, we thank you for supporting the Oregon Repertory Singers!

We love our volunteers!
Oregon Repertory Singers’ mission is to enrich the community through choral music. Doing so requires the generous support of volunteers, and we are looking for outgoing, detail-oriented choral enthusiasts to join the team. Whatever your capabilities, interests or schedule may be, we can find a volunteer opportunity that’s right for you. Oregon Repertory Singers is so grateful to those who choose to spend their time with us in a volunteer capacity—every hour you give makes a major impact.
Thank you for your commitment!
Thank You
Generous Donors
Margo Bachhuber
Chris Bailey* & Robert Lusk‡
Melody & Tracy Boyce
Richard Louis Brown In honor of Gil Seeley
Scott Eckelman
Brigid Flanigan
Bruce Gulliver* & Deb Habel
Jeri Haskins*‡
Darlyn Jablonski*‡
Duane & Barbara McDougall
Patricia J Reser In honor of Naomi LaViolette
Ted Smart & Lee Anne Doolittle‡
Lauren* & Colin Storz
Dean & Patricia Werth
$5,000 - $9,999
Suzanne Barthelmess* & Rex Sustello‡ In memory of Anne Mason
Melissa* & Matthew Canaday
Cliff Davidson* & Andy Sfeir‡
Alison Ellsworth* & Matthew Wood‡†
David Frackelton*‡
Beth & Jerry Hulsman In honor of Melody Boyce & Gil Seeley
Carla Kelley* & Andy Asher‡
Howard Werth & Marion Levitan
Nora McLaughlin*‡ In honor of Gil Seeley & Kathleen Fisher
David Muller*‡ In honor of Gil Seeley
Doug Rank* & Jen Gosnell*‡†
Ed Reeves* & Bill Fish
Jan Schaeffer* & Tuck Wilson‡
Randy Schekman
Mark Solon* & Don Tankersley‡
$2,500 - $4,999
Tina Bull* & Richard Poppino
Emily Cohen‡
Sherril B Gelmon
Craig & Rusma Haskins‡
Fredericka* & James Hoeveler‡
Kirk Masterson* & Meghan Moran‡
Megan McNeal* & Kayci Emry‡ In honor of Gil Seeley
David Peterson* & Nik Murrow‡
Stacey Philipps* & Ben Hickman
David Redmond & Sally Kuhl
Gary Ritter*
Keith & Kristin Simovic‡
$1,000 - $2,499
Christina Aguirre
Michael Booker & Jeffrey Welty
Aliyih* & Robert Bristol‡
Jan & John Brittan‡
David Bruhn‡
Lauren & Josh Bryan‡†
Dave Dworschak & Steve Harmon
Michelle Giguere
Joel Godbey* & Kelly Morrow‡
Harold Goldstein & Carol Streeter‡
Melissa & Michael Goodwin‡
Thomas Grace In memory of Rachel Grace
Rosy & Andreas Gute
Charles & Andrea Hanson
Kelley Harrington In honor of Joey Harrington and in memory of Pat Harrington
Rachel Hermansen* & Dennis Axmacher‡
John* & Lorraine Herr‡
Jeff Jaeger
Al & Nancy Jubitz
Elise Schaff Laubach*‡
Frank Mac Murray, Jr In honor of Gil Seeley
James McGrath, Jr & Martha Sandstead†
Dylan Moe* & Rachel Consenz*‡
Naomi & John Morton†
Margaret Norton In honor of Carla Kelley
Ken Ray*‡
Richard Rose‡
Lydia Ross*‡
Mark Rozanski*
Vijendran* & Asha Sathyaraj
Lisa Shannon
Steven & Patricia Sipowicz
Steven Smith & Dennis Johnson In honor of Mark Solon
Ethan Sperry & Siri Hoogen
Michael & Judy Stoner
Tom Swafford* & Scott Sarver‡
Rich* & April Vanderwal*‡†
Ann Walker & David Jones
Roy Wilkinson*‡
$500 - $999
Paige Baker* In honor of Gil Seeley
Julia & Robert Ball
Laurel* & Kevin Barnum‡
Anne Barragar‡
Debbie* & Thomas Benke‡
Richard Bills & Jerry Ota‡
Amy Brittan*‡
Cheryl Canning*‡ In memory of Vera & Kirby Higdon
John P. Dabritz* & Donann Warren‡
Jeannine Dahl Fogel*‡
Naja Di Pilla & Ben Emery†
David & Joni Edison‡
Jill Edwards†
Diana Farmer
Stuart Farmer*‡
Lawson Fite*‡
Richard Frye* & Julianne Bowman
Linda* & Robert Galante‡ In honor of Gil Seeley
Peter* & Donna Haub‡
Bruce Hostetler
Linda & Richard Jenkins
Jeffrey Jones*
Andrea Fuchs* & Malcolm Kelly‡
Nathan* & Hannah Klammer
Tom LaBarge*‡
Maureen & Peter Landon‡
Phil Lowery In honor of Gil Seeley
Celia McDougal* & Joshua Kauffman*‡
Fred Neal & Mark Haack‡
Cara Orscheln & Neve Tsunehiro† In memory of Kris Van Auken
Lari & Bill Peterson
Greg Prosser*
Susan & Richard Ray‡
Michelle Reynolds
Dave Rumker & Susan Phillips
Kelly Russell
Chris Selid
Lisa & Lee Sickler‡
Merri Souther Wyatt In honor of Jan Schaeffer & Ethan Sperry
Ellen Stauder
Carlton Peterson
Anne Toledo In memory of Kris Van Auken
$250 - $499
Tony Andrade
Jon-Paul Bish
Luigi Boccia* & Jared Flood In honor of David Peterson
Tammy Carpenter
Kayla & Harvey Carruth
Paula Creamer*‡
Abby & Marvin Dawson
Hannah Delgado* & Luis Ortiz-Rodriguez*
Elizabeth Duffett In honor Darlyn Jablonski
Billie Erlings
Roberta & Cary Gluesenkamp‡ In memory of Dinah Dodds & Kris Van Auken
Carrie Gotkowitz In honor of The Storz Family
Paul K. Halverson
Vickie Hanawalt In honor of Nora McLaughlin
Ulrich Hardt & Karen Johnson In honor of Gil Seeley
John Holloran In honor of VJ Sathyaraj
Bryan Huitt‡
Rebecca Huston
$250 - $499 (continued)
Amer Isse‡
Pamela Jacklin & Leonard Girard In honor of Ed Reeves & Jan Schaffer
Christopher Jones
Dale Justice‡
Katherine Killops* & Charles Coughlin*
Julie King
Esther Lindbloom‡
Elizabeth MacDonell & Lisa Domenico
Mark McCrary
Denise Meyer In honor of Gil Seeley
Matt Navarre*
Paul Neese*
Eva Patil* & Matt Noble‡
Irene & Shivanand Patil In honor of Dr. Eva Patil
JaneAnne Peterson*
Bonnie Reagan
Clifton Ross
Leah Schlegel
Hannah Verbruggen*
Anthony Dal Molin & Kathryn Wolff‡ In honor of Laurel Barnum
Mark Woodward* & Dr. Oscar Fernandez
$100 - $249
Chris Adams-Brown*†
Susan Agre-Kippenhan
Nancy Allan
Maren Anderson
Erin Averette In honor of Nora McLaughlin
Michelle* & Corey Averill
Andrea Bachhuber* & Rob Sokol
Robin Bacon-Shone
Becky Bard
Jeanne Barthelmess
Paul Bascom‡
Mary Bradbury*
Curtis Brooks*
Daryl Browne
Sarah Buckmaster & Greg U'Ren‡†
Elizabeth Buskirk
David M. Brook & Susan Campbell
Maurine Canarsky‡
Lynne Chassin & Richard Freimark
Jessica & Pierre-Alain Chevalier
Jennifer Chisholm‡†
Casey Cleveland†
Richard Cook & Heidi Scott
Charlotte & Dave Corkran
Linda Czopek
Allison Dittmar
Gary & Debbie Dombroff In memory of Sandy Haskins
Dr. Greg Hartman & Susanne Domhan In honor of Suzanne Barthelmess
Kathleen Fisher & Ann Dudley In honor of Nora McLaughlin
Eugene & Martha Fuchs‡
Terri & Howard Fuhrman‡ In honor of Stuart Farmer
Richard Ganz‡ In honor of Tom LaBarge
Joyce Gardner & James Steinberger‡
John Gladen* & Eecole Copen
Rick & Linda Glasgow In honor of Shel & Marilyn Clem
Debbie Glaze
Don & Judy Goeckner
Katherine Goeddel
Katherine & John Goff‡
Margaret Gunn In memory of Guy Tarnstrom
Peter Gunn* & Lee-Anne Flandreau
Winthrop Hall
Randy & Chelsea Hamilton
Tiffany* & Cole Haole-Valenzuela‡
Lauren Haskins Eshuis* & Jason Eshuis
David Hattner & Kristie Leiser
Kaya Hellman*
Paul & Susan Hermansen‡
Mollie* & Brian Horne
Sarah Hotz* & Ethan Bliss
Daniel Hunter*
Genevieve Stevens-Johnson & Matt Johnson‡
Rick Jones*
Colleen Kelly
Emily Kirstein‡
Mark Koenigsberg‡
Celeste Kopel
Nancy Koroloff
Kate Ledington*
Shayla LeMaster-Bailey*
Carolyn & Mike Lindberg
Kathryn Logan & Dale Hormann
Jacob Lundgren*
Shelli Lundgren
Jean Masonek‡
Keith Masterson
Jill* & Bruce Maughan
Marilyn & Richard McCormick
Danielle McFadden* & Florian Deisenhofer
Mark Mercier*
Paul Hamlow & Denise Moore‡
Hannah Moorman*
Jil Morby‡
Richard Murphy*
Thomas Newell
Gordon & Marsha Parks
Rebecca Parsons*
Karen Johnson & Thomas Proctor*
Juliana Quastler* & John McDonald
Theresa Raichel
Barbara Rank‡
Melissa Reed*
Vernon Reitz*
Lisa* & Andy Riffel
Terence Rokop‡
Ava Rose*
Nicholas Running
Fern Russak
Dale S Savit
Hannah Schacht*
Evamarie Schmeer In honor of Ava Rose
Darcy* & Ian Schray
Bethany Schweitzer*
Kristen M Seitz‡
Mary M Seitz
Evan Shenk*
Tim Siess* & Kimberly Hadfield
Katey Simmons*
Marilyn & Myron Sizer
Steven Sletten*
Elizabeth Soper *
Valerie Storz
Judith Sugg & Anupam Narayan In honor of Carla Kelley
Meredith Timmons
Alison & Mark Toledo‡ In honor of Anne Toledo and Eric Biewener
Gale Townsley & Carol Talbeck
Jamie Troy* & Barry Pack
Robert Tufts
Kysa & Kevin Vassily‡ In honor of Lydia Ross
Scott Weaver & Curvin Carbough In honor of Mark Solon, Kirk Masterson, & Darlyn Jablonski
Joshua Weir*
Elizabeth Willis‡
Patricia Wilson In memory of Sandy Haskins
Elizabeth Winship* & Fabian Norman
C P Wise‡
Elizabeth Woods* In honor of Molly Woods
Janice & David Yaden
Norman Zucker
We thank our many donors of amounts from $1–$99 for your support.
Donors acknowledged April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024.
*= Member of Oregon Repertory Singers
‡= GEM (Give Every Month) Supporter
†= Parent of ORS Youth Choir singer