Piloted in 2021 with Portland composer Stacey Philipps, the Composer-in-Residence project provides young singers a unique opportunity to meet and work with a living local composer. The process begins with listening and co-creating original lyrics with the youth, representative of all voices in our group, resulting in an environment that fosters connection, cross-cultural exploration, and pride for the youth in seeing themselves, their languages, and words in the culminating pieces.
Since the project’s inception, 10 original commissions have been composed that contribute to the youth choral canon, including Gathering Rounds, inspired by and in support of ORS Youth Choir secondary pedagogy that can be shared state and nationwide. We were selected to perform and highlight the Composer-in-Residence project and Gathering Rounds at the NW ACDA conference in January 2024, in a session titled Think Choral, Shop Local (more information below).
ORS Youth Choir elementary-age choir instructors have begun a collaboration with Philipps on a third edition of Gathering Rounds that focuses on primary education pedagogy, set to launch in 2025.

What do kids say about having a composer in residence?
Immersive • Exciting • Powerful • Thoughtful • Fun • Fabulous • Interesting • Fantastic • Creative • Grand • Brilliant • Radiant • Amazing • Inspiring • Capable • Collaborative • Possibility • Loving •
Schedule a Composer & Clinician Visit
Schedule a FREE clinic with the purchase of a box of 30 Gathering Rounds books when three or more of your singers are enrolled in ORS Youth Choir. Or contact us to schedule a fee-based classroom visit.
Stacey Philipps
Aubrey Patterson
Bring Gathering Rounds into your rehearsals!
Gain tips and tricks for excellent sight singing
Learn how to write rounds
Demystify musical concepts
Practice tricky intervals, rhythms, and more
Introduce new poetry and poets
Create ice-breakers and activities
Improve singing skills and confidence
Gathering Rounds, Volume 1 (intermediate to advanced)
Gathering Rounds, Volume 2
(beginning to intermediate+)

Think Choral, Shop Local
Commissioning in Your Community
Stacey Philipps, Composer-in-Residence
Aubrey Patterson, Artistic Director
Cindy Mair, Collaborative Pianist
ORS Youth Choir was featured at the Northwest American Choral Directors Association conference in Spokane, Washington in January 2024.
The Encounter Choir session demonstrated the breadth of the Composer-in-Residence program, including all the projects created over the last two seasons while rebuilding the choirs. The session also gave practical advice on finding local composers and commissioning, everything from the simplest song to extended, rich, long-term projects. The presentation included the nuts and bolts of contracts, deposits, and deadlines. Musical examples were performed while attendees learned how to harness the strengths and skills of their community to bring inspiration, innovation, and impact to their choirs.

Commissions by Stacey Philips
for ORS Youth Choir by age group
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade
What I Like About Fall
In Springtime
3rd through 5th Grade
How They Fall
It's Windy!
6th through 8th Grade
Looking Forward
Facets of Fire
9th through 12th Grade
Gathering Rounds, Volume 1
Once More
Kindergarten through 12th Grade
Ice to Ocean to Ice
Like Birds, Like Stars (concert video below)
Velvet Shoes (SAB with children’s chorus)