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Commissioning in Your Community

Aubrey Patterson, Artistic Director
Stacey Philipps, Composer-in-Residence
Cindy Mair, Collaborative Pianist

4:30 PM | January 26, 2024

Commissioning & Consortium Guides

Find NW ACDA composers to commission, and help us create a more complete roster of composers near you!

How to commission (a BRIEF guide):

  • Research composers well in advance of your proposed premiere date. At least a year ahead will offer the best chance for success (but sometimes composers have windows of time earlier, so ask!)

  • Identify the composer you’d like to work with.

  •  Frankly and specifically discuss:

    • Parameters (length, voicing, divisi, ranges, etc.)

    • Expectations (difficulty, mood, theme, etc.)

    • Text/lyrics (who chooses, content, author, etc.)

    • Deadlines (deposits, draft and feedback points, final score and parts delivery, etc.)

    • Extra services (e.g., composer visits, audience panels, parts preparation, etc.)

    • Budget source and amount.

  •  Put everything in writing, ideally with a contract, then ask for a proposal or sketch.

  • Keep communicating throughout the process.

How to create a consortium (another BRIEF guide):

  •  Identify one or more similar ensembles who would like to commission a composer, share costs of commissioning, and share premiere performances via personal networks, recommendations, and/or social media.

  • Identify consortium leader, and discuss commissioning details above, including premiere dates and details for each ensemble. Ideally, come to an agreement before approaching composers.

  • Follow commissioning steps above and discuss with composer how to divide commissioning fee among consortium.

  • Work together with all ensembles and composer to promote the new work and each premiere.

Additional sources of information on commissioning and composing below. Note that there is no right or wrong way to do this – just best practices and guidelines as each project is unique. Conversations with your composers can guide you along the way. 

Commissioning by Individuals - American Composers Forum

Commissioning music: a basic guide (meet the composer) by Nilo Alcala - Issuu


The Importance of Commissioning Music - Yamaha Music

How to Commission a New Piece for Your Choir (It’s easier than you might think!) – Part I (

How to Commission a New Piece for Your Choir (It’s easier than you might think!) – Part 2 (

On Commissioning: What, Why, How, & Paying Composers What They're Worth — Cameron Leach (

commission —

A Brief Guide to Commissioning Music | Craig Carnahan

commissioning music - Jocelyn Hagen

Commissioning New Music - A Short Guide - Composers Edition

Commissioning Consortia: Banding Together in the Name of New Music - New Music USA

Commissions and Consortiums — Bryan Michael Wysocki (

Commission — ... And We Were Heard

Music by
Stacey Philipps

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